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Penalties for Demerit Points

Feiz Legal Services > Penalties for Demerit Points

Understanding Demerit Points

Majority of the Highway traffic charges carry Demerit point that if convicted, affects your driving history and consequently your Insurance premium rate. These points are not assigned by the court system but rather are added to your driving license by the Ministry of transportation if you are convicted of breaching certain driving laws.

Number of point New Driver( G1,G2,M1,M2,M1-L or M2-L) Number of Points Full licensed Driver
2 – 5 You will be sent a warning letter 2 – 8 You will be sent a warning letter
6 – 8 Your licence could be suspended


-You may have to attend an interview to discuss your driving record and provide reasons why your licence should not be suspended


9 – 14 -Your licence could be suspended


-You may have to attend an interview to discuss your driving record and provide reasons why your licence should not be suspended



9 or more – Your licence will be suspended for 60 Days.


– You are required to surrender your licence


– If you fail to surrender your licence, you can lose your licence for TWO years.

15+ – Your licence WILL be suspended for 30 Days.


– You are required to surrender your licence


– If you fail to surrender your licence, you can lose your licence for TWO years.